How to Register Your Musical Group or Band Name as a Trademark

How to Register Your Musical Group or Band Name as a Trademark If you are a musician, band member, or musical content creator, you know that your stage or performance stage name is just as important as your songs or music. Your band name or stage name under which you perform is your professional identity and the way in which you stand out from other performers and establish your valuable reputation and following. After you have poured your heart, sweat and tears into your music, it would be foolish not to undertake the same effort and dedication to building and protecting your band or stage name. Trademarking your musical group's name gives you exclusive rights to its use, ensuring no one can cash in on your hard-earned reputation. While the trademark process is highly technical and can be confusing, we will attempt to give you an introduction to the process and what you absolutely need to know in order to register and protect your band name or stage name.