I Found My Trademark Registered by Someone Else for Different Goods or Services — Does That Create an Issue?

I Found My Trademark Registered by Someone Else for Different Goods or Services — Does That Create an Issue? The legal rules and laws surrounding the trademark process can be overwhelming and confusing if you are a small or medium business owner going through the process alone. Trademark law can be very particular, precise, and unforgiving. Like most areas of the law, ignorance of the law usually can hurt you (and is not a defense). One of the most common dilemmas faced by small and medium business owners wishing to seek trademark protection for their brand is the existence of another brand or company that already has a registered trademark for the same or similar logo or name being sought. While even a layperson will likely be able to tell that this is a problem (in the case when the goods/services of both companies are identical), the question become murkier when the existing trademark registration is not for an identical type of good/service as the trademark you want to seek to protect. While the products or services associated with the trademark may not seem directly linked to your business, it’s important to understand the potential risks and legal implications. Here, we’ll break down the key considerations and steps you can take to protect your trademark and your business.