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How to Register Your Musical Group or Band Name as a Trademark

Posted by Dragan Dan Ivetić | Jan 01, 2025 | 0 Comments

How to Register Your Musical Group or Band Name as a Trademark If you are a musician, band member, or musical content creator, you know that your stage or performance stage name is just as important as your songs or music.  Your band name or stage name under which you perform is your professional identity and the way in which you stand out from other performers and establish your valuable reputation and following.  After you have poured your heart, sweat and tears into your music, it would be foolish not to undertake the same effort and dedication to building and protecting your band or stage name. Trademarking your musical group's name gives you exclusive rights to its use, ensuring no one can cash in on your hard-earned reputation. While the trademark process is highly technical and can be confusing, we will attempt to give you an introduction to the process and what you absolutely need to know in order to register and protect your band name or stage name.

What Happens Next, After You File a Federal Trademark Application?

Posted by Dragan Dan Ivetić | Dec 23, 2024 | 0 Comments

What Happens Next, After You File a Federal Trademark Application?   You’ve just taken the very important and wise step to protect your brand by having submitted your federal trademark application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Congratulations! But what happens next? The trademark registration process can feel complex, overwhelming, and confusing,  especially for first-time applicants. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you understand what to expect after filing your application.

What Proof Do I need to Register My Trademark?

Posted by Dragan Dan Ivetić | Dec 19, 2024 | 0 Comments

What Proof Do I Need to Register My Trademark? Whether you are filing a trademark application seeking to register a trademark for the provision of services or the sale of goods, you will need to prove use of the trademark to attain a registration. Depending on whether your application is based on an "already in use" or "intent-to-use" basis, the timing of that proof will vary, but the substantive guidelines on what qualifies as proper proof will be similar. Having a grasp of the various guidelines for appropriately proving use to satisfy the USPTO requirements is an essential step that can maximize the chances of a successful application process.  This article will serve as an introduction on this topic, to help understand the ways you can prove use to satisfy USPTO requirements. 

Are you Ready for the USPTO Trademark Fee Increases Coming in 2025? What you Need to Know.

Posted by Dragan Dan Ivetić | Dec 16, 2024 | 0 Comments

Are you Ready for the USPTO Trademark Fee Increases Coming in 2025? What you Need to Know. If you're a business owner, entrepreneur, or anyone navigating the trademark registration process, it’s time to take note. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has announced important updates to its fee structure, effective January 18, 2025. These changes include higher filing fees, along with some notable shifts in the way filings are processed. Here's a breakdown of what you need to know to stay prepared.

How can I Effectively Protect my Brand's Trademark Worldwide?

Posted by Dragan Dan Ivetić | Dec 15, 2024 | 0 Comments

How can I Effectively Protect my Brand's Trademark Worldwide? Whether your business is just starting out or has been growing for some time, it is inevitable that, at some point, you will want to know how you can protect your valuable brand identity and reputation beyond your current operations.  Such concern is important whether you plan on eventually expanding your operations or customer base, as well as to protect your brand identity from copycats.  A trademark registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office will protect your brand within the entire US, but what if that is not enough...what if your aspirations are global in nature?  Two common questions that are often asked of trademark attorneys are "Is there such a thing as worldwide trademark protection?" and "How can I effectively protect my brand worldwide?"  While there is no such thing as a "global" or "worldwide" trademark registration, that does not mean that a business owner does not have options to secure the protection of their valuable trademarks internationally.  This article shall serve as an introduction to that process.

What is the USPTO, and what does it have to do with your quest to attain a Trademark?

Posted by Dragan Dan Ivetić | Oct 02, 2024 | 0 Comments

What is the USPTO, and what does it have to do with your quest to attain a Trademark? Small and medium-sized business owners have likely heard that registering their brand as a US trademark is an important step in the process and that a trademark can be the most valuable asset of a company.  However, they likely do not know the ins and outs of the process to attain a trademark and may feel intimidated by a process that seems, at first blush, very technical and daunting.  It does not help that unfamiliar terminology and acronyms are used by resources and attorneys alike, which confuses people.  In addition to legal jargon pertaining to trademarks, one of the most common sources of confusion is when business owners hear about the USPTO.  That acronym stands for the United States Patent and Trademark Office, a governmental entity in charge of both Patents and Trademarks. But for those seeking trademarks, you do not need to be scared off nor concerned about the patent side of things.  The patent side of the USPTO and the trademark side function separately and thus a trademark applicant need only be concerned with the USPTO's Trademark Office.  The USPTO oversees the examination and registration and thus can be a vital ally for entrepreneurs, startups, and small business owners looking to protect their intellectual property.

Understanding Trademark Symbols: The Difference Between ™ and ®

Posted by Dragan Dan Ivetić | May 06, 2024 | 0 Comments

Understanding Trademark Symbols: The Difference Between ™ and ® In the intricate world of intellectual property law, trademark symbols play a crucial role in indicating the status and level of legal protection associated with a brand name, logo, or slogan. The two primary symbols you’ve likely seen alongside brand identifiers are ™ and ®. But have you ever asked yourself - which one is appropriate to use for your circumstances? While they may seem interchangeable at first glance, they signify very different things. This article aims to demystify these symbols, offering clarity on what they represent and how they should be used by businesses. By knowing the correct interpretation and usage of these symbols, you can protect your trademark rights.

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